Sunday, April 29, 2012

Final Marks

I just submitted your final marks. They will need to be processed before you can see them --- maybe a day or two.

There were no failures.

The marks ranged from D- up to A+.

A couple of people did poorly on the exam and got a lower term mark than they probably should have.

I was happy with the marks and the exams looked pretty good overall.

If you are surprised with your mark send me an email and I can show you what happened.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Exam Marking

I am almost finished with the marking and should submit the marks Sunday evening (tomorrow evening).

Note that on question 5 the parts (a), (b), and (c) were labeled with "5 points" but the value of the question was listed as 30 points. The 30 point figure was correct --- the exam adds up to 200 points and that only worked out if question 5 was worth 30 points.

That being said, I've given you all the best mark based on considering question 5 as being worth either 15, or 30.

So it worked in your favour.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

From Khadim

Hi Dr. Leon,

I booked the conference room 4124ME for review between 11am to 4 pm tomorrow Wed.
Would you post the information online and email it to the students as well.



From Rachel


Could you please post on your course website that there will be a PASS mock exam tomorrow Wednesday April 18 from 3pm to 6 pm in PA 112.

Thank you

Monday, April 16, 2012

Exam Practice

Just to get your grey matter moving:

Friday, April 13, 2012

Some Class Notes

Someone emailed me about class notes for the last lecture. They are not neat, but this is what I wrote in class on my iPad. They may jog your memory or be of some help.

Also, someone asked for the old notes of Dr. Gauthier concerning Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law. I am not responsible for any errors in these slides ---- my lecture notes given in class covered the same material.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Verify Your Marks

I am still waiting for the Lab #5 marks. By the way, you should send an email to Deepak and Khadim, and ask them when and where to pick up your materials.

The marks I have recorded are below. Please verify them and if you see any problems let me know. The last four digits of your student ID is shown under the ID column.

Note that I took the better of your first or second test, or the combination that gave the highest score out of 25 (the term weight given to the tests).

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Inan Inan Question

I'll leave this post up until Sunday night, and then I will delete it. The final question on the exam is taken from one of the following pages: